Monday, April 5, 2010


2nd day at PTM
Discovered a LED table light at my desk.. I've underestimated the lighting power of LED all my life, but in reality, it's BRIGHT!
really innovative and energy efficient as LEDs requires less power than normal light.. :>
and, finally got my own laptop from PTM.. thx tho, hope this helps me to cope wif my boredness here :>

After about an hour of spending time enjoying the new lappy, finally kak zaharah called and asked me to do file labeling, and left me blur at my desk, without further explanation about it. After a while of blurness, i asked Fendi, a staff here on how to do it. He then talked to kak Zaharah, and i was given a "Labeling Template". Kak Zaharah then further explained to me how to write it.
Took about 15minutes to do the Green Township Project file label,
and then Fendi asked me to do another Project file labeling, which i took about 5 minutes.
*mastered the file labeling task* :>

After lunch, kak roslina asked me to accompany her to GTFS operation room and get client files. The files contains Project Evaluation, clarifications, original submissions from companies that intend to propose their project to PTM, and each files are like twice the size of Calculus textbook.
Took 2 hours to organize 10 companies' project files. These files are to be evaluated by PTM's Technical Experts later on. :>


  1. alang2 mintak kete skali jat..

  2. kete xdpt la.. van ade.. van vanetta tu.. macho gk kalau bwk

  3. hey! ":>" ? Wowie..mastering the labelling thingy ya? Guess what i master on today? ;) Haha funny story again on my 2nd day here. But still...hummhummhummhummhumm....[rme]. Haih.

  4. haha..laju giler update 2nd day..gempak2.. :D

  5. mia : u've got no idea humhumhumhumhum..
    ijat: time kasih sudi membace.. nikmatilah kisah2 menarik di PTM..
    eddy: jom r.. sblm ko pg bercuti ni

  6. smlm ak xperasan la text ko.. ak da kt umah baru perasan.. pastu ko da siap mkn plak tu kt umah..

  7. hari ni busy maa
    nak gi tanjung malin
