Monday, April 12, 2010

7th day..

(13th April 2010):>

came early in the morning.. can't stop chewing mentos..
helped kak ros with some filing stuffs..
read a project that was given to me yesterday by En Hanif..
Project: Palm oil based engine oil, desulfuriser & 2 stroke oil..:>

'Energy oil' is an environmental friendly substances which dissolved oil molecules to enable a more economical and healthy consumption of inflammable fuel.. 'energy oil' is a mixer to flammable fuel that allows the burning of fuel to be more economically effective and less polluting..
Normally in the burning process during flammable fuel consumption, the fuel only burn off 70%-75% of fuel to produce energy, the excess will dispersed through the exhaust pipe in the form of black smoke and soot or otherwise as one often realizedwhen the smell off fuel happens, resulting in lesser energy capacity..
So basically, 'energy oil' solve this problem by breaking up the molecule and hydrogen bond into smaller atom thus increasing the mass to create even and balance fuel substance which allow each atom to be easily expose to oxygen thus enable the fuel burning process to reach its highest efficiency, up to 98%. This results in higher energy capacity during fuel consumption, meaning better horse power and less wastage.:>
Here are some of the advantages of 'Energy Oil'.. fuel economy, increase engine power, cleanse injectors, spark plug, carburetors & fuel delivery system, ... extends engine life, keeps engine temperature cooler & noise reduction, easier in starting of engine, environmental friendly, and non-inflammable..:>


  1. Alrite. Lets make a deal. I'l teach you on Six Sigma, you teach me on this Energy Oil :)

    Wink*wink.. Nnt end up?? Hummhummhumm. Daym!


  2. gedebush ke?? huhu.. no.. end up, hummhummhumm..

  3. wuts ur hummhummhumm now lah.. haih. my bluetooth not functioning well sgt these days i noticed :(

    hummhummhumm, hummhumm.

    :> <:

  4. my hummhummhumm tu bermaksod hummhumm humm.. try r figure it out..:o:o


  5. i think i know what it is...hurm..ntah2 same meaning with what i mentioned in my 1st comment up there :>

  6. daym.. urs bukan i dah teka betul ke??
    gedebush ?

  7. meaning x betul la tuh... :p

    hummhummhumm!! cpt la jumaat!! lamakan la jumaat mlm....cepat la sabtu and lamakan la sepanjang hari sabtu... :))

  8. haih.. u punye permintaan complicated sgt..
    tgk mcm mine, senang.. mintak2 everyday jadi sabtu..n every night jd jumaat mlm!.. :o
