Joined En Hishamudin meet with representatives from MPC(Malaysian Productivity Corporation).. En Hisham gave a brief explanation about day-lighting systems which relates to Energy Efficiency, and how it would save cost of electricity..:>
After a few minutes of questions and answer between En Hisham and them, En Hisham began his presentation bout Green Technology,.. among the things presented were the energy demand in Malaysia, GHG emissions, Efficiency & Conservation Programmes, code of practice(Guidelines for Malaysian Industries), Benchmarking(Audit and rating),
the MPC representatives also asked the cost of installation a solar panel for residential usage.. En Hisham said.. for 1kW solar(Photovoltaic) panel costs around RM23,000... and normally for a bungalow,it requires abour 4kW, around RM100k.. -sweat-
pretty much expensive huh.. and it took about 15years for the reburst of the investment.. En Hisham also briefly explained the National Green Technology Policy..:>
at 11am, the pre-GTC meeting began, .. lead TE (En Ismail) and some TE's, including GTFS and EISD staffs were involved,.. they discussed about the projects that they are convinced will succeed, to present them to the banks.. :>
at 1pm, we all had lunch in the cafeteria downstairs,.. menu: nasi ayam.. i sat together with En Haniff, Din, En Ismail, En Hishamudin and my intern colleague..
En Ismail shared his experiences when he went to Italy, Vietnam, and other places, describing how thrilled he is to see the engineer products there,.. we also discussed on some present cases and news.. :>
After lunch, really had nothing to do,.. kak ros invited me downstairs to have some kuih2 which are prepared for those staffs in the meeting.. still, we took some for ourselves :p..
also finished analyzing average and total counts of ratings on feedback forms..
Makan je tau :P
ReplyDeleteDave deli's on Sunday, hummhumm!!!