Sunday, April 25, 2010

16th day

26 April 2010,

a great morning.. hopefully to a great new week.. reached work early as usual..
apparently, nth great things to do here today.. juz sit and read about photovoltaic and some projects.:>
One of the project i read today is about Implementing a new energy saving Heat Infrared(HIR) technology system in rubber glove manufacturing process for a new manufacturing plant..:>
HIR tech will be implemented on several rubber manufacturing lines with annual production capacity of 108.5 million rubber gloves per year with energy consumption of 308 MWh/year from only electricity source. The conventional technology currently in place for rubber glove manufacturing consumes 56% more energy for the same production. This new technology also increases productivity by 11%.:>

P/s: One great thing today is dat i can on messenger n chat wif mrs superman <3.



  1. In a galaxy far far away...!@##%$%G^&*^&(&R$%#T&(**^&E%^@*&J*()#$@EN*&%@%^&(*)(_((_&*J$%#$@%$^%&%&($&^$^(&$&*(&*h#^$%^vc#%k$@$&^*m*(p;)(_#0$%5d@$@!n6x$%&^*8&)(_&^P:*(^*^$%@s$%$%w*&)(:"()(^&$%@#@ Mrs. Superman <3 Mr. Superman %$#@&%)!@*@$#&(%#@!)&%#(@!)%^&($#!(&)@(#!)&%&_)_+_&*_))*^($%&^($&@&%(@$!#)*$)*%(%*$)%$_@*#&@~*~)_@~)*#@&#~)*@($_&%(#@+@_!$@#$%*$(^%)%(&^)&(*)$%(#$And they live happyly ever after. THE END <3
